Monday, September 16, 2013

Week at a Glance- and a short week to come!

September 9-13:

This week, we finished up the Comprehensive Assessment of Reading Strategies Pretests. We also worked on our very first unit in Vocab.

This week we really focused on Reading Strategies- we talked about "what is a strategy?" and "what is a reading strategy?"

We dove into Building Background knowledge using the an example of expository text: The article "What makes Pogo Sticks Bounce?" They students then had to practice the skill on their own using an article either about shooting basketballs or water freezing.

The week of September 16-20 is short-- Conferences on the 19th and 20th mean no Language Arts class. The students this week will work on a second reading strategy: Questioning. We will talk about Thick and Thin Questions and practice writing them using our own independent reading books. We also will have a quiz over Vocabulary Unit 1.

Our first "project" of the year will be introduced on Tuesday or Wednesday. The students will complete a "book talk" on an independent reading book they have read this year. The requirements will be given to them in class and are also posted on Moodle.

Pictures are scheduled through the LA classes- Section 3 has their pictures Tuesday while Sections 1, 4 and 5 have their pictures on Wednesday.

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