Language Arts Section 5

Quiz over Ch. 9-18 MONDAY 2/24

Homework for Monday, Jan. 27:

STUDY! Due to the snow day, your quiz will be on WEDNESDAY, Jan. 29

Homework for Tuesday, January 21, 2014:
  • Vocab Word Maps
  • Write about Reading in notebook (see below or check e-mail)
Date: 1/21/14
Skill: Identifying Plot
Prompt: Identify an internal and external conflict (problem) a character is experiencing in Chapter 5-6.

Note: Your examples of internal and external conflict do not have to be from the same character. You could choose one character to describe an internal conflict they are facing, and a different character to describe an external conflict.

Try your best to explain the examples of conflict. Remember, your notebook is practice and you will not be penalized for being incorrect. You will only be penalized if you do not try

Homework for:
Homework for Friday, January 17:
  • Chapter 1-4 Vocabulary Word Charts
Homework for Wednesday, Jan. 15:

  • Finish CH. 4
  • Ch. 1-4 Review sheet
  • in your Write About Reading section of your notebook:
    Date: 1/15/14
    Skill: Making Connections and Personification
    Book: Tuck Everlasting
    Skill: Making Connections
    Good readers will make connections to what they are reading to their own lives. In this story, a young girl named Winnie is frustrated because her family won’t leave her alone. She feels like she is being looked at all the time. Do you or have you ever felt this way? Explain your connection to Winnie.
    Skill: Personification
    Identify one example of personification on pg. 14 or 21 and describe how the use of personification in that example helps the reader visualize. This is practice, so as long as you try, you won't lose points. If you honestly cannot find any examples, write in your notebook, "I have looked and cannot find any examples but I know that personification is…" and explain personification. The only way to lose points on this assignment is if you do not respond to the question at all.

Tuesday, January 14:

  • Complete "actual meaning" section of vocab packet

Friday, January 10, 2014:
  • Read FYI Background article and answer questions

Thursday, January 9, 2014:
  • finish predicting the meaning of vocabulary words (do not need to complete actual meaning or synonyms)
  • parent signature on Energy Project Rubric (green sheet)
Wed. Dec. 4 and the remainder of the quarter:

  • Newbery Project and presentation

Wednesday Nov. 13:
Grammar Test 11/15

Monday, Nov. 11:
  • Clouds of Colorful Words- last page of packet- 4 words
  • Read "The Tortoise, The Hare, and The Frog" fill out a Prediction chart with the 2 situations and your predictions. Answer the discussion questions at the end of the packet. 

Tuesday, Nov. 5:
  • Multiple Intelligences due Wednesday
Grammar Test over Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives on 11/14
Wednesday, Nov. 6:
Grammar Test over Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives on 11/14
Friday, Nov. 8:
Grammar Test over Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives on 11/14

Monday, Oct. 28:
  • Write one paragraph summary with topic sentence, detail sentences, and conclusion (think Hamburger Model) using vivid verbs to describe your trip to The Henry Ford Museum. Due Tuesday
  • Vivid Verb 3 worksheet due Tuesday
Tuesday, Oct. 29:
  • vocab unit 3 notecards- include parts of speech. Due Thursday
  • verb practice due thursday
  • Vocab Unit 3 Quiz Tuesday
  • Multiple Intelligences activity due Wednesday
Thursday, Oct. 31:
  • Vocab Unit 3 Quiz Tuesday
  • Multiple Intelligences activity due Wednesday
Friday, Nov. 1:
  • Vocab Unit 3 Quiz Tuesday
  • Multiple Intelligences activity due Wednesday

Mon. Oct. 21:
  • Finish reflection if not completed in class
  • Vocab pg. 33- 35
Write a one-paragraph reflection in which you share your thoughts on what you think the author’s had to go through in order to write a book that receives a Newbery Award. Connect to the author visit we had, Jarrett Krosoczka, and the experiences he shared with trying to get a book published. 

For the week of Oct. 7:
  1. Booktalk presentations- be prepared to present on the day of your presentation
  2. Vocab Quiz Monday 
  3. Main Idea and Summarizing Quiz Thursday

Homework for Tuesday: Oct. 1:
  • Vocab Notecards
  • Booktalk Project

Homework for Monday, Sept. 23:
  • Main Idea Practice and Canine Careers
  • Vocabulary Unit 2: Match the Meaning and Synonyms pg. 20-21
Homework for Tuesday, Sept. 24:
  • Summary practice- Canine Careers
  • Vocabulary Unit 2: Antonyms and Complete the Sentence pg. 21-22
Homework for Thursday, Sept. 26:
  • Vocabulary Unit 2: Word Association and Practice pg. 23-25
  • Read for 15 minutes


Homework for Monday September 16:

Homework for Friday, Sept. 13:
  • Read for 15 minutes
  • Finish Building Background Knowledge Strategy
              Using the topic you chose, write down what background knowledge you ALREADY know on the topic. Then read the article and on three post-it notes, write down three new things you learned. Put the post it notes underneath where you wrote what you already know in your spiral. Underneath the post it notes, write what you think is the main idea of the article.
If you need a refresher from what we did in class, scroll down and find the "reading strategy- Building Background Information Notes" on Moodle. This is what we did in class and can help you model what you should do.

Vocab Quiz Wednesday

Homework for Wed. Sept. 11:

  • Read for 15 minutes
  • Finish Vocabulary Unit 1 Flashcards
  • Vocabulary Unit 1 pg. 13-15
  • Vocabulary Unit 1 Quiz Wednesday, Sept. 18

Homework for Tues. Sept. 10:

  • Antonyms pg. 11
  • Completing the Sentence pg. 12
  • Vocab Quiz Unit 1 Wednesday 9/18

Homework for Tuesday, Sept. 3:

  • Open Mind Portrait due Friday
Homework for Thursday, Sept 5:
  • Open Mind Portrait due Friday
Homework for Friday, Sept. 6:
  • Vocabulary Unit 1: Definitions (pg. 8/9), Match the Meaning (pg. 10) and Synonyms (pg. 11) due Tuesday

Assigned Fri. August 30:
Bring Independent Book to class

Assigned Tues. August 27:
blog post on summer reading
Letter due Friday
independent reading book by Tuesday.

Assigned Fri. August 23:
What's easy/hard due Tuesday 8/27
Course Description due Tuesday

Assigned Wed. August 21:
"Who am I?" due Friday, August 23
Course Description due Tuesday, August 27


  1. The book i read this summer was The one and only Ivan. By Katherine Applegate it was a very touching book about a gorilla's life and how hard it is to be him. I thought it was a very funny book and a very sad book at the same time. It is really cool to see Ivan(the gorilla) become a loving, grumpy,funny guardian. I recommend this book because you can relate to it in so many ways. It also tells you to never give up and you will always get there.

  2. One of the books I read this summer was Powerless by Matthew Cody. Powerless was a great book about how kids with superpowers called "Supers" meet a normal kid, and how they end up fighting a super villain. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes superheroes. If you finish the book, and really enjoy it, then you might like the next book in the series, called Super.

  3. I read "The Candymakers" by Wendy Mass over the summer. I loved it. The story is told from different point of views and while I was reading it I had to get some chocolate out of the pantry. If you love candy this is the book for you. Make sure to check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. The book I read this summer was called The Postcard by Tony Abbott. It could possibly be a good book for people if you like mystery, but I on the other hand I would not recommend this book. It was really boring and I think there should have been more action and more suspense. If I were to rate this book I would give it a 2* rating because of its content and suspense.

    P.S. I read another one of Tony Abbott's books that wasn't good either. If your looking for mystery, these are good mysterious books. I suggest the Amulet graphic novel series by Kazu Kubushki, Magic Thief, Harry Potter series, Spider Wick series, The Masterpiece by Elise Broach illustrated by Kelly Murphy, and Shakespeare Secret both wrote and illustrated by Elise Broach.
    Love Reading, Love Language Arts

  5. I read The Hunger Games over the summer it was a very good book it was a girl named katniss who lived in district 12 and was picked for the hunger games. I really enjoyed this book and I'm on third book I would definitely recommend this book

  6. I dont want to be rude or mean but what is your first name so i can email you

  7. Lauren- my e-mail is
