Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I am currently in the process of uploading all of the books each section of 5th grade LA is reading onto It is a website that shows a bookshelf of all of the books we are currently reading or have read. Shelfari is powered by Amazon, so it gives us the ability to click on a book we are interested in, read the Amazon description, read reviews, post reviews, and some offer a chance to read the first chapter for free. This is a great resource if you are looking for a new book to read or are interested in what other 5th graders are reading!

If you are interested in accessing this website there are three different options you can do:
1. E-mail me that you are interested and I will respond back with the username and password information
2. Come talk to me in class
3. Comment that you are interested on the post making sure to STATE your NAME and I will give you more details!

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I am interested in Shelfari. Would you send me the information to access the site?
