Course Description

Dear 5th Graders,

            Welcome to Language Arts! Here you will find a brief description of Language Arts this year.

Our three main goals this year in Language Arts are:
  • ·      Love reading!
  • ·      Develop a purpose for reading and develop the ability to share your thoughts effectively
  • ·      Build self-efficacy-- or build your confidence in your ability to complete tasks and reach goals
Here is what to expect:

Reading: In Language Arts this year our goal (as a 5th Grade) is to read 664 books! While it may seem like a lot, if we work together I know we can achieve our goal! We will continue to work on different skills and strategies good readers use to comprehend or understand what they are reading. As we are working on these, we will read many different genres in different ways through a reader’s workshop. Some of the reading we complete will be independently, together as a class, or in small groups. You will be sharing your thoughts and opinions on these books through various presentations and projects throughout the year.

Writing: We will spend a lot of time writing about our reading. In addition, we will work on developing our writing through organization and word choice. We will also be working with Ms. Shahani in Writing Workshop on various writing activities.

Vocabulary/Spelling: We will be working on vocabulary development through the workbook Vocabulary Workshop. The vocabulary words from each chapter will also be our spelling words.

Grammar: In Language Arts this year we will be identifying parts of speech and developing our punctuation and grammar in our own writing.

Other Expectations:

Written Work: Anytime you turn in work, it should be your best work! Unless it is brainstorming or another pre-writing activity, your written work should be neatly completed. I will accept some homework typed, however if it is vocabulary or spelling I would like it to be hand-written to practice the spelling of these new words.

Absent Work: When you are absent, a form will be filled out informing you of what you missed. The homework that was due on the day you were absent will be due on the day you return. Please check Moodle on the days you are absent to find out what was assigned for homework. You will normally have the amount of days you were absent to make up the work you missed. You will need to collect your absent work from the “Absent Work” folder in the room before coming to talk to me.

Assessment and Grades: With so many different parts to Language Arts, your grade will be determined in different ways. Whenever possible, I will give you rubrics or checklists for assignments or projects.

Homework will vary in point value depending on the length and difficulty of the assignment. I expect you to come to class with your homework completed. A zero will be given on assignments not turned in when they are due. You will also be expected to read about 10-15 minutes each night from your independent reading books. I require all students to write their homework in their planner, but it can also be found on the LA Moodle Page. Homework will count for about 10% of the total LA grade.

Quizzes and Tests will be announces one week in advance. Material for these assessments will be based on activities done in class, as well as information from any worksheets, homework, or reading. Quizzes will count for approximately 15% the total grade. All tests and quizzes will require a parent’s signature.

Projects will be assigned after completing an independent reading book. I also provide a few choices of different projects for you to choose from. Projects will be treated as a test grade. Projects and tests will make up about 30% of the final grade.

Classwork will count as approximately 45% of the final grade. It is important that any work we do in class is neatly completed. It is also important to ask questions. We will be writing about our reading in a reader’s notebook that will stay in the classroom and be graded on a weekly basis.

I hope that my love for reading will carry through the class as we discuss and share our reading and writing together. We will learn more about each other and ourselves. I can’t wait to learn from each of you!

Last Minute Details:

In addition to the school supply list, please have the following supplies for Language Arts by September 3rd or 4th.
·      An independent reading book at your reading level
·      Post-it notes

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