Monday, September 9, 2013

Labor Day Week- Sept 3-6

    For a short week, we accomplished a lot. This week we practiced "Read to Self" time and the appropriate expectations for both students and teacher: For students it is:

  • reading the whole time
  • quiet
  • focused
  • staying in one spot of the room
  • getting started right away
For the teacher it is:
  • reading
  • checking in with students
  • one on ones
  • small group work
We also began our project for Wonder stemming from the brainstorming and discussion we had in class on one particular character from the book. Students had class time during each class to work on and ask questions.

We also began our first Vocabulary Unit out of our book Vocabulary Workshop. We read a myth attempting to explain why bears hibernate. We then took the time to talk about all of our vocabulary words and some synonyms and antonyms for each. 

Finally, we began our CARS Pretests. These are Comprehensive Assessments of Reading Strategies. There are 5 pretests total and we will finish all five in the beginning of this coming week!

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