Friday, November 1, 2013

The last week of October 10/28-11/1

This week we focused on verbs. After discussing the different types of verbs, we discussed the importance of using "vivid verbs" in our writing (vivid is also a vocabulary word from this week!). Students were asked to write about their trip to the Henry Ford Museum using vivid verbs.

In addition, we also practiced identifying verbs in a fun way using a few different interactive activities on the SmartBoard. On Halloween, we took a break from focusing on just verbs and instead practiced all different parts of speech by completing Halloween Mad Lib stories with partners. At the end of class we shared our favorite Mad Libs with the class. They were very funny!

Finally, we took a visit to the library to choose our Newbery Award books for our Quarter 2 Book Talk. We did a "speed dating" of sorts with the different book options before choosing a book. The students have one week to change their book if they find they are not interested in the book they initially chose.

Next week we will move into Adjectives, complete Vocab Unit 3 Quiz, and practice some creative writing!

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