Monday, November 25, 2013

A Break is Almost Here!

Last week we began an in class project that will continue through the rest of the quarter. Students are researching either an alternative energy source, electric or hybrid car, or different types of waste and recycling.

We began the research process and students will be finishing up their research when we return from Thanksgiving Break. From this research they will be writing an informative paragraph in Language Arts class followed by a persuasive paragraph in Writer's Workshop. They will be publishing their work and creating a short Public Service Announcement.

This week we will be completing the Unit 4 Vocabulary and Spelling Quiz. Also, the students had their first assignment from their Newbery Award Project due; a bookmark displaying the title, author, and important object from the book. I have been laminating the bookmarks that have already been turned in and am impressed!

As we conclude school before Thanksgiving break, I have been making my rounds with students to discuss their topic, gauging their knowledge of their topic without their notes vs. with their research notes. I have also been discussing with them the benefits and drawbacks of their topic and have played devil's advocate in our conversations to see if they are able to defend what they are saying. While meeting with them one-on-one I've also been going through their notebook and discussing the comments I have made to them through the grading cycles. I've also mentioned any missing assignments I have from them as there are many and lots of no names piling up.

After Thanksgiving the students will continue working on their Recycling and Energy project. There should be little homework from this project unless the students do not use their class time wisely. In that case, they may have a few things to finish up in order to be at a certain starting point the following class period. We will begin Unit 5 in our Vocabulary Workshop and the students should continue to work on their Newbery Award book outside of class.

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