Saturday, October 19, 2013

Short week- Oct. 15-18

Although it was a short week, we jumped right into the second quarter! This week I asked the students to combine three skills we had worked on into one cohesive writing. We combined identifying the parts of plot, summarizing, and making personal connections into one writing sample where we could identify the parts of the story, summarize a story, and then make a personal connection to the characters.

Following this, we began our grammar unit with nouns. We are working to identify common or proper nouns and abstract or concrete nouns. We worked on choosing more precise nouns than "thing" to improve our writing. We then moved into plural nouns and the rules for plural endings with the hope that the more familiar we become with noun endings, the more we can consciously improve our spelling.

In addition we also began our next Vocab unit. Next week we are looking to finish up our noun lessons, and begin talking about our next independent reading project before leaving for The Henry Ford Museum!

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