Tuesday, August 20, 2013

First Day of School! August 21st

Welcome to the first day of school!

      As I drove in this morning (much earlier than many of you), the campus was covered in a blanket of thin fog that was quickly dissipating as the sun was rising. I thought to myself that this was perfect symbolism for the beginning of the year. As the sun is clearing the fog from our campus, so will the start of the school year clear the fog from our brains. I hope each of you are entering into 5th grade with a clear and open mind. I want us to strive to clear our minds in order to learn, discuss, challenge, and understand so that we can be open to learning from new experiences, perspectives and opportunities. I am excited to start this journey with you!

Like we talked about in class, your homework is to read through the course description and fill out the last page. It is due the third time we meet in class. The "Who am I?" worksheet is due the next time we meet. Please check the page for your specific section for the correct due dates.


  1. Ms. Ridenour,

    I think the symbolism you mentioned so accurately describes the beginning of the school year. We can challenge ourselves to work hard and maintain the "grit" that Mrs. Long spoke about at our M.S. Assembly!

  2. The other book i read this summer was Trading Faces. I recommend this book to people who like books about humor. The characters Emma and Payton are two sisters who start going to a new school and having trouble adjusting to everything new.
