Friday, January 17, 2014

Example of Foreshadowing-- our "fun" discussion

Within our discussion of foreshadowing in literature, we also discussed foreshadowing within movies. We discussed how music can foreshadow events about to happen in a movie or the personality of a character (Cinderella's evil stepmother for instance). Pixar is also known for including foreshadowing within their movies that hint what might be released in the future. Below is a picture I showed the students.

Monsters Inc. was released two years before Finding Nemo however Pixar places Nemo in the movie to foreshadow the future Finding Nemo movie release. The students did a great job discussing other hints they've seen within Disney/Pixar movies--- Wall-E in garage in Cars, the car in Toy Story being the same car in Cars, Woody and Buzz laying in a landfill in A Bug's Life, the setting of Frozen being mentioned as a nice vacation spot in Tangled… the list goes on!

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