Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Immigration Unit

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Friday, April 4, 2014

Fourth Quarter!

Welcome back!

Our first week back has been busy! We are beginning Unit 5 in our Vocabulary Workshop workbook. In addition, we are touching on a Black History Month Project that was pushed back a few weeks due to additional snow days and a few extra days to complete our Tuck Everlasting unit project.

 We discussed bias, prejudice, and perspective in class and students were assigned an African-American Inventor to research. We will spend two days in the library researching our inventor and then will write a few reflections in a journal format reflecting on what we've learned. The goal of this project is for students to experience the difference in material available on individuals who lived many years ago and reflect on how bias, prejudice, and perspective of people during that time period may have impacted the amount of information we have on these inventors in addition to the scarcity of written records and technology during the time.

We will be finishing up this activity next week!